Lindsey & Josh's Engagement Shoot. We had the Hollywood Bowl all to ourselves...

When Lindsey texted me that she wanted me to do her engagement shoot I was so excited and honored!
 I have known her and Josh since middle school and they are one of the most adored and loved couples I know. They are surrounded by friends and family that really show you what it is all about. Love, loyalty, and friendship and I consider myself lucky to be in their circle. Josh had the most amazing proposal I have ever seen. I think I watched this video at least 5 times. Watch me
When I asked her where she wanted to do her shoot she replied "The Hollywood Bowl".
"Huh?" I replied. I secretly worried that there would be too many people there and I had never shot there before, so I was a little nervous, but in typical Lindsey fashion, she did all her homework beforehand. We showed up to an empty house. Literally not a soul in the entire park. I was thrilled, we had the place to ourselves...the entire Hollywood Bowl, and we were gonna have some fun.  They of course brought along their beloved Potato as pictured below. He is such a good boy, behaved so well and you can really see how much they love their baby. When I pulled up they introduced me to Potato, informed me that he was their child and in fact goes to daycare twice a week.
I think I got the picture :)  
They were so much fun to photograph. Not too posey, they were just themselves. They dont take themselves too seriously which I love and they laugh alot which is the best for me as their photographer.
These are some of my favorites from our shoot together.
 Perfectly posing for me...thank you Potato.
 How amazing is this? The whole stage to themselves.
 Giddy with love.
 Love how silly they are.
I've got my eye on you.  
 How cool are these numbered benches? Every corner you turn at the Hollywood Bowl has a new amazing setting for a shot.

 They love to mimick Potato and it makes for a pretty cute picture.
 Tender moment caught between all the laughter.
 The real star.
 Another amazing backdrop for a photo.
 Secret makeout caught!!!
 The bride-to-be. My beautiful Lindsey!
 We would just walk through the park and constantly see new places to stop and shoot.
 Could they be any cuter? I think not.
 This was hilarious. Lindsey you remember exactly what Josh said in this moment to make you laugh this hard.
 Stop it Josh!
 Taking it all in.
Time to celebrate!

Love you two! Thank you for allowing me to capture these moments for you.


  1. These are beautiful and I love the Hollywood Bowl theme! Great job, Avia and congrats again to Lindsey & Josh.

  2. I am in AWE of their sweetness and of your talent.
    I absolutely love seeing all of you proceed through your lives so creatively, happily, wonderfully.

    Cheers to doing it right!
    Plus, Potato, you're killing me with the cute.

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